Books and Edited collections
Llinares, D., Fox, N., & Berry, R. Eds. 2018. Podcasting: New Aural Cultures and Digital Media. New York: Palgrave: Macmillan. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2011. The Astronaut: Cultural Mythology and Idealised Masculinity. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. [Link]
Llinares, D., Davy, Z., Downes, J., Eckert, A., Gerodetti, N. & Santos, A.C. Eds. 2008. Bound and Unbound: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Genders and Sexualities Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. [Link]
Journal Articles, Chapters, Online Articles, Book Reviews
Llinares, D. 2018. ‘The Liminal Praxis of Podcasting: Aural Mediation, Sound Writing and Identity’. In Llinares, Fox and Berry. Eds. Podcasting: New Aural Cultures and Digital Media. New York: Palgrave Macmillan. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2018. ‘Review of The Lumiere Galaxy: 7 Key words for the Cinema to Come by Francesco Casetti’, Screen, Volume 59, Issue 2, 1 June 2018, Pages 279–282. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2018. ‘New Possibilities for Practice-led Research Through Podcasting’, Framing Practice as Research, [Transcribed Interview], University of Brighton. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2017. “Please Turn Your Phone On”: Analysing Outcomes of Second-Screen Spectatorship Using Social Media in the Cinema Space. Participations Journal, Special Edition on Un/Social Cinema, 14 (12). 545-570. [Link
Llinares, D. & Fox, N . 2017. ‘Knowing Sounds: Podcasting as Academic Practice’, The Disrupted Journal of Media Practice, 50-53. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2015. ‘Punishing Bodies: British Prison Film and the Spectacle of Masculinity’, Journal of British Film and Television, 12 (2). 207-228. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2015. ‘Woody Allen’s (Post)Modern Nostalgia Games: The Critical Rhetoric of Cinema as Time Machine’. In Jones, M. & Ormrod, J. eds. Time Travel and the Popular Media. Jefferson: MacFarland Press. 271-285. [Link]
Llinares, D. & Arnold, S. 2015. ‘Introduction: Reframing Cinematic Space and Audience Practice in the Digital Age’, MeCCSA: Networked Knowledge, 8 (5). [Link]
Llinares, D. 2015. ‘Reconceptualising the Cinematic Audience: In conversation with Dr. Sarah Atkinson’. MeCCSA: Networked Knowledge, 8 (5). [Link]
Llinares, D., Philip, Fiona., & Thompson, Zoë. 2012. ‘Editorial: Austere Cultures/Cultures of Austerity’. Journal of European Popular Culture, 3 (1). 3-7. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2009. ‘Benign Heroes of ‘Retrotopia’: History, Identity and the Postmodern in Apollo 13’. In Bell, D. & Parker, M. eds. Cultures of Space Travel Blackwell/Sociological Review. 164-177. [Link]
Llinares, D. 2008. ‘Contesting the Astronaut as a Masculine Ideal: Narratives of Myth in Tom Wolfe’s The Right Stuff’. In Davy, Z., Downes, J., Eckert, L., Gerodetti, N. Llinares, D. & Santos, A.C. eds. Bound and Unbound: Interdisciplinary Approaches to Genders and Sexualities. Newcastle: Cambridge Scholars Press. 76-92. [Link]